Friday, December 30, 2011

Favorite moments of 2011

"I loved seeing the girls from the fashion camps with their final products/outfits on and ready for their photo shoot. Getting ready for the fashion show and seeing the girls walk the catwalk was super fun and exciting! So proud of all of them! The best part of the era's camps, for me, was the last day of camp. Kids made abstract as well as representational objects from plastic and other recyclable items, after creating the artworks we walked around the neighborhood finding the best spot to photograph each piece. I loved capturing the students and their artworks. Some in class favorites...the Friday 445 class marching in order during gallery walk, all the "Frida Kahlo" self portraits, Katie and Shelby, the dynamic duo, so intense, so much energy, so much laughter!" 
-Mrs. Briana

"My favorite moments had to be with Gracie in our Sew Much Love program. It was her first time using a sewing machine. She was determined to work hard and do a good job on her pieces. Each class was challenge for her, and she would sometimes get frustrated to the verge of tears thinking she would not have enough time to finish these pieces that were meant as Christmas gifts. The last day cam and Gracie was losing hope. She asked me, "Mr. Marelyn if I don't finish my presents what happens?" She wanted to prepared for the outcome. I told her there is no point in thinking about that because "today is the day, we are making it happen." She smiled and said "today is the day." Her sister finished her projects early and ended up being able to help her out so that she finished every piece. I remember her leaving with a big smile, and a big sense of accomplishment. That day she gave me a Christmas gift; a handmade bracelet with bells on it. She said, "Thank you for being so nice to me." That was my sense of accomplishment."
-Ms. Marelyn

"We had a mummy wrapping race during one of the Summer Camps this year. Students competed in teams of three to see who could cover one of their team mates in the most toilet paper or "wrappings" in a few minutes. My favorite moment of 2011 was the tie breaker... A mummy walk-off!"
-Mr. Sheldon

"2011 was a year full of great memories and experiences. A favorite memory of mine is the pride I felt seeing the happy faces of parents and kids at the summer arts showcase and fashion show, at Lyons Art supply. Lastly, the great addition to the Inspyr Arts family; Baby Ben."
-Mrs. Vicky

 "My favorite moment was during the Summer Camps. We went down to the Colorado Lagoon and painted with water color. I loved sitting down with the kids, and connecting with them. It was nice to watch how they put the world in front of them, down on the paper. It was cool to be able to teach them right there, in person, showing how to see what was literally in front of them. I helped them develop their compositions, their colors, and their perspective to bring what they saw to life!"
 -Mr. Ernie

"I've had so many amazing experiences at Inspyr Arts this year; art and kids will change your outlook on life. I've finally narrowed it down to one experience though. This year Inspyr Arts started the Sew Much Love program. One of our students Lea had attended the Fashion Summer Camp and was eager to start sewing again, joining our new program. With sewing, there are always mistakes made, seams to rip, "oops!" holes to patch up. I remember when Lea first started sewing with us she had many of those experiences. After joining our Fashion Camp, then Sew Much, and then Sew Much Love Holiday Edition I got to see Lea grow and grow. Her last garment she sewed was an amazing "Scoodie" (scarf/hoodie) with the eyes of a frog. All of her lines were straight, she hemmed it beautifully, and really took her time with the piece so that it fit her perfectly. I was so incredibly proud and honored to watch her skills increase and be apart of that growth. I saw how proud she was (she wore everyday to school!) and expressed my joy. She came up to me and said, "you're the best!". What a great way to end the year!"
-Ms. Ade

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